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You have an English or German text, and you would like to get a version in the other language that is easily readable in its target language and yet conveys the full content of the original. We translate your copy from German to English and from English to German. The result will be a linguistically accurate, stylistically fluid rendering that carries the substance of the source text – nothing more and nothing less. Don’t hesitate to ask us for a quote – without any obligation on your part, of course. We will gladly provide you with a sample translation, too. And by the way: While we translate, we also check and proofread the source text, if you wish, and point out any mistakes in style, grammar, or spelling, or inconsistencies in content, and if you like, we can also optimize your layout.


We have a special expertise in some areas, due to our extensive experience in these fields, but we will translate all types of texts for you – from fiction and non-fiction to advertising copy, from instruction manuals to screenplays. And we also translate presentations one-on-one from one language into the other. You can find a list of examples for some types of texts that we translate by clicking here.


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